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最終更新時刻:2022年11月18日(金) 5時05分
クレジットカード & 電子マネー NEWSからのお知らせ
Egypt approves entry visa facilitation to the holders of World Cup's Hayya Card - Tourism - Egypt Ahram Online
Egypt removes visa fees for Hayya card holders amid expected tourism boom Doha News
WCT Malls, Tourism Malaysia and Visa partner to revive the country's retail and tourism industry TravelDailyNews Asia-Pacific
Remember CRO Cards? Ministry of Tourism and Sports Reveal Future Total Croatia News
Credit Card Tourism: Russians Avoid Sanctions By Flying To Uzbekistan For VISA, Mastercards Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty
Zimbabwe StarJapan attracts world attention by promoting tourism and foodZimbabwe StarA lucky draw campaign for JCB card members is also in progress. Starting in Asian areas, a lot of foreign JCB card members have benefited from it. Nobuhito Hanada, Sen...