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最終更新時刻:2020年7月28日(火) 20時30分
クレジットカード & 電子マネー NEWSからのお知らせ
JPMorgan Chase partners with fintech start-up Marqeta to launch 'virtual' credit cards CNBC
JCB International partners with iSignthis to enable SEPA transactionsiGaming BusinessThe partnership couples JCB card services with iSignthis RegTech services to offer card acquiring, settlement and processing services to. EU/EEA merchants, creating new...
Enterprise InnovationJCB International partners CIMB Bank Singapore and Wirecard for merchant acquisitionEnterprise InnovationJCB International (JCBI), CIMB Bank Singapore and Wirecard AG have signed an agreement to begin JCB merchant acquiring services...
Enterprise InnovationPayMaya launches payment gateway for online merchants, partners with JCBIEnterprise InnovationI am certain that this partnership with PayMaya will bring more benefits and convenience to all JCB card members, especially in the e-comm...
Mozido子会社PayEase Partners、KG Inicisと提携して中韓で決済サービスdot.あらゆるデービットカードのほか、中国銀聯、またマスターカード、VISA、アメリカン・エクスプレス、JCBカードという世界の4大クレジットカードを含む世界的なクレジットカードを処理できる。北京...
ReutersFidelity drops credit card partners American Express, Bank of AmericaReutersBoston-based Fidelity, which has 24 million customers, said its new partners will be U.S. Bancorp and Visa Inc, effective Monday. The exclusive alliance will provide Visa...