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最終更新時刻:2022年11月21日(月) 19時00分
クレジットカード & 電子マネー NEWSからのお知らせ
Legislation would help businesses hold line on prices (Opinion) Reading Eagle
Say Goodbye to Your Credit Card Rewards if This Legislation Is Successful The Motley Fool
Unpacked: How new legislation is trying to target credit card swipe fees Modern Retail
NRF Backs Credit Card Legislation to Curb Visa-Mastercard ‘Duopoly’ Sourcing Journal
What possible credit-card legislation could mean for Visa, Mastercard — and you MarketWatchDurbin to lob bill at Visa, Mastercard Payments DiveSen. Durbin Wants Another Bite at Card Interchange Fees PYMNTS.comPress Relea...
What possible credit-card legislation could mean for Visa, Mastercard — and you MarketWatch