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最終更新時刻:2022年9月21日(水) 23時49分
クレジットカード & 電子マネー NEWSからのお知らせ
Minister Kabbyanga Hails Fintech Growth in Uganda as Xente Unveils Visa Card Service chimpreports.com
FinTech firm Centurion Invest to launch its native token and card AMBCrypto News
Swiss digital bank Alpian partners Visa for new debit card FinTech Futures
Alpian Partners With Visa to Issue a Metal Debit Card in Switzerland | Fintech Schweiz Digital Finance News – FintechNewsCH Fintechnews Switzerland
In a biggest fintech takeover, CCI approves PayU’s $4.7 billion acquisition of BillDesk BusinessLine
Chicago fintech startup Tandym wants to disrupt the credit card industry The Business Journals
Sponsored post: Why does your company need its own white label card? Fintech start-up Wallester explains TechCrunch
Healthcare FinTech Nitra Raises $62M, Launches Visa Business Card PYMNTS.com
Future FinTech Labs, Currencycloud to launch US remittance app The Paypers
A Dubai-Based Fintech Start-Up Lets Anyone Buy Visa Gift Card with Crypto. openPR