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最終更新時刻:2022年5月18日(水) 16時00分
クレジットカード & 電子マネー NEWSからのお知らせ
Retailers call out Visa and Mastercard for fee hikes that could make inflation worse CNN
Card networks’ swipe fee changes could raise prices for consumers Bankrate.com
Merchant processing fees could trickle down to shoppers USA TODAY
Nominate a Nevada teacher who could win a $1,500 Visa card and more KTNV 13 Action News Las Vegas
Amazon's Visa credit card row could change the future of payments Quartz
Altcoin roundup: Crypto credit cards could be the missing link to mass adoption Cointelegraph
You could get an EIP card for your stimulus payment instead of direct deposit or check. Here's why CNET
You could get an EIP card for your stimulus payment instead of direct deposit or check CNET
Apple's iPhone MagSafe charger could ruin your credit card, passport or security badge CNET
You could get an EIP card for your stimulus payment instead of direct deposit or check. Here's why CNET