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最終更新時刻:2024年7月26日(金) 23時38分
クレジットカード & 電子マネー NEWSからのお知らせ
India's central bank fines Visa for unauthorised payment method MSN
India's central bank fines Visa for unauthorised payment method Reuters.com
Could This Bank Beat Visa at Its Own Game? The Motley Fool
Costco Anywhere Visa® Card review: Members earn cash rewards for future Costco spending Yahoo Finance
How Visa employed artificial intelligence to check $40 billion in fraud as scammers also take to AI CNBC
NZ agency launches probe into retail card payments Ragtrader
Card Issuer Marqeta Will Support Visa’s Flexible Credential Digital Transactions
Ta Chong Bank in Taiwan to issue JCB cards Yahoo Finance
Ta Chong Bank in Taiwan to issue JCB cards Yahoo Finance
Visa’s Earnings Spotlights Momentum in B2B Virtual Card Acceptance PYMNTS.com