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最終更新時刻:2024年5月17日(金) 8時58分
クレジットカード & 電子マネー NEWSからのお知らせ
Changes coming for Visa card holders in the United States MSN
How Credit Card Issuers Define ‘Travel’ NerdWallet
Visa makes changes to credit card Abccolumbia.com
うその投資話で約200万円分の電子マネーだまし取られる|NHK 秋田県のニュース NHK WORLD
Credit card company Visa releases new features including passkey support GIGAZINE(ギガジン)
JCBのタッチ決済がイタリア・ローマの地下鉄・バス・トラムで利用可能 risvel.com
This Week In Credit Card News: Big Changes Could Be Coming To Your Cards Forbes
Changes from Visa mean Americans will carry fewer physical credit, debit cards in their wallets WDBJ
Visa changes coming this year will mean fewer cards for Americans Fox Business
Costco Anywhere Visa Card by Citi – Review Upgraded Points