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最終更新時刻:2021年11月3日(水) 16時00分
クレジットカード & 電子マネー NEWSからのお知らせ
Grover promotes circular economy with new debit card Finextra
JCB and BOCHK Announce JCB Contactless Acceptance in the e-payment System of KMB and LWB in Hong Kong Financial IT
JCB and BOCHK announce JCB Contactless acceptance in the e-payment system of KMB and LWB in Hong Kong ACN Newswire
JCB and BOCHK announce JCB Contactless acceptance in the e-payment system of KMB and LWB in Hong Kong JCN Newswire
BancABC VISA card services "partially" back online after a days-long outage Technology Zimbabwe
British firm JCB signs multibillion-dollar deal to import green hydrogen CNBC