ローソンが値引き販売の実験 – ニフティニュース
ローソンが値引き販売の実験 ニフティニュース
ローソンは11日から、沖縄県と愛媛県内の約450店舗で、消費期限が近づいたおにぎりや弁当を対象にした実質的な値引き販売の実験を始める。8月末までに食品ロス …
Review: UOB Preferred Platinum Visa Card – The MileLion
Review: UOB Preferred Platinum Visa Card The MileLion
Do green card and visa holders in the U.S. have First Amendment rights? What to know – Tennessean
Do green card and visa holders in the U.S. have First Amendment rights? What to know Tennessean
Lastminute.com launches travel Visa card – FinTech Futures
Lastminute.com launches travel Visa card FinTech Futures
For visa and green card holders, immigration lawyers offer advice: Don’t travel outside of the US right now – The Boston Globe
For visa and green card holders, immigration lawyers offer advice: Don’t travel outside of the US right now The Boston Globe
What evidence does the US government need to deport green card holders? – Al Jazeera English
What evidence does the US government need to deport green card holders? Al Jazeera English