名古屋駅周辺施設を対象に「TOICA」と「QUICPay」のキャンペーン(JR東海など) – ペイメントナビ(payment navi)
名古屋駅周辺施設を対象に「TOICA」と「QUICPay」のキャンペーン(JR東海など) ペイメントナビ(payment navi) JR東海、トヨタファイナンス、ジェーシービー(JCB)の3社は、2012年9月14日~23日の期間、名古屋駅周辺の商業施設で電子マネー「TOICA」と「QUICPay」の利用を対象とした共同キャンペーン「メイエキで!電子マネー使ってGETキャンペーン!!」を実施する。 利用者は期間 ... JR東海とトヨタファイナンスとJCB、名古屋駅周辺施設で電子マネー共同キャンペーンを実施 |
Prime Visa limited-time welcome offer: Instant $200 Amazon gift card – The Points Guy
Prime Visa limited-time welcome offer: Instant $200 Amazon gift card The Points Guy
US retailers demand action on rising credit card fees – Retail Insight Network
US retailers demand action on rising credit card fees Retail Insight Network
Correcting and Replacing: Cake digital bank launches its fully cloud-based card management system using Visa solutions, the first of such deployment in Vietnam – The Manila Times
Correcting and Replacing: Cake digital bank launches its fully cloud-based card management system using Visa solutions, the first of such deployment in Vietnam The Manila Times
Correcting and Replacing: Cake digital bank launches its fully cloud-based card management system using Visa solutions, the first of such deployment in Vietnam – The Manila Times
Correcting and Replacing: Cake digital bank launches its fully cloud-based card management system using Visa solutions, the first of such deployment in Vietnam The Manila Times
Correcting and Replacing: Cake digital bank launches its fully cloud-based card management system using Visa solutions, the first of such deployment in Vietnam – The Manila Times
Correcting and Replacing: Cake digital bank launches its fully cloud-based card management system using Visa solutions, the first of such deployment in Vietnam The Manila Times