最終更新時刻:2024年3月27日(水) 11時30分

クレジットカード & 電子マネー NEWSからのお知らせ

80代男性「電子マネー購入したい」 詐欺と直感、警察に通報 潟上のコンビニ店員に感謝状|秋田魁新報電子版 – 秋田魁新報電子版

80代男性「電子マネー購入したい」 詐欺と直感、警察に通報 潟上のコンビニ店員に感謝状|秋田魁新報電子版  秋田魁新報電子版



Trump’s Gold Card Visa Program Is Causing Panic In Real Estate Circles. Here’s Why – Yahoo Finance

Trump's Gold Card Visa Program Is Causing Panic In Real Estate Circles. Here's Why  Yahoo Finance

Trump’s immigration ‘gold card’ could be a huge winner — with these changes – The Hill

Trump’s immigration ‘gold card’ could be a huge winner — with these changes  The Hill

Donald Trump will sell $5 million ‘Gold Card’ visas to wealthy foreigners. Experts say they’re dangerous – ABC News

Donald Trump will sell $5 million 'Gold Card' visas to wealthy foreigners. Experts say they're dangerous  ABC News

New Pathway to USA Citizenship : Trump Gold Card – Get Golden Visa

New Pathway to USA Citizenship : Trump Gold Card  Get Golden Visa

EB-5: Investors Defend Visa That Trump ‘Gold Card’ Would Replace – Newsweek

EB-5: Investors Defend Visa That Trump 'Gold Card' Would Replace  Newsweek
