三井住友カード、Google Payに対応–6歳から使えるタッチ決済OKの「Visa プリペ」も – CNET Japan
三井住友カード、Google Payに対応–6歳から使えるタッチ決済OKの「Visa プリペ」も CNET Japan
三井住友カードは9月25日、事前に登録した同社のクレジットカードを使い、国内店舗におけるGoogle Pay決済に対応したと発表した。あわせて、「Visaのタッチ決済」に対応 …
Visa seeks to “revolutionise the card” with array of new product launches – FinTech Futures
Visa seeks to “revolutionise the card” with array of new product launches FinTech Futures
At $5 Million Each, 1000 ‘Gold Card’ Visas Have Been Sold. Could This Pay Off The US Debt? – Forbes
At $5 Million Each, 1000 ‘Gold Card’ Visas Have Been Sold. Could This Pay Off The US Debt? Forbes
Amex Platinum Card vs. Visa Infinite Cards [Premium Travel Card Comparison] – Upgraded Points
Amex Platinum Card vs. Visa Infinite Cards [Premium Travel Card Comparison] Upgraded Points
Revolut US CFO aims for growth, maturity, with more ‘boots on the ground’ – CFO Dive
Revolut US CFO aims for growth, maturity, with more ‘boots on the ground’ CFO Dive
US Green Card, H-1B Visa, F-1 Visa Holders Cautioned Over Travelling Abroad – NDTV
US Green Card, H-1B Visa, F-1 Visa Holders Cautioned Over Travelling Abroad NDTV