【今週のキャッシュレスニュースまとめ】今秋はPayPayやSuicaがお得! ほっかほっか亭やオートバックスもスマホ決済対応へ – BCN+R
【今週のキャッシュレスニュースまとめ】今秋はPayPayやSuicaがお得! ほっかほっか亭やオートバックスもスマホ決済対応へ BCN+R
消費増税まであと1カ月を切り、各業界で駆け込み需要や増税後の需要平準化を意識した取り組みが加速している。8月は、クレジットカード大手のJCBやメガバンクのみずほ …
KTC Partners with JCB for the ‘JCB Cashback in Japan’ Campaign, Offering 1,000 Baht Cashback Amid Cherry Blossom Travel Boom – newswit
KTC Partners with JCB for the 'JCB Cashback in Japan' Campaign, Offering 1,000 Baht Cashback Amid Cherry Blossom Travel Boom newswit
Pak cardholders can now add their Visa Card to Google Wallet – Business Recorder
Pak cardholders can now add their Visa Card to Google Wallet Business Recorder
TNG Digital Introduces TapSecure For Touch ‘n Go eWallet Visa Card Transactions – Pokde.Net
TNG Digital Introduces TapSecure For Touch ‘n Go eWallet Visa Card Transactions Pokde.Net
Chocolate Finance sets $250 spending limit on debit card – The Straits Times
Chocolate Finance sets $250 spending limit on debit card The Straits Times
Santander and Amazon introduce Visa card in Austria – Finextra
Santander and Amazon introduce Visa card in Austria Finextra