最終更新時刻:2019年8月28日(水) 7時30分

クレジットカード & 電子マネー NEWSからのお知らせ

ソニー銀行、不正検知によるデビットの利用制限をカード会員自身で解除できる機能を提供 – ペイメントナビ(payment navi)

ソニー銀行、不正検知によるデビットの利用制限をカード会員自身で解除できる機能を提供  ペイメントナビ(payment navi)

2019年8月28日7:30 Visa、TISと連携して「Sony Bank WALLET アプリ」に追加 不正検知によるカード利用制限の強化は、時として正常な取引までを阻害しかねない。



Prime Visa limited-time welcome offer: Instant $200 Amazon gift card – The Points Guy

Prime Visa limited-time welcome offer: Instant $200 Amazon gift card  The Points Guy

Here’s How to Snag a $200 Amazon Gift Card for Black Friday Deals – CNET

Here's How to Snag a $200 Amazon Gift Card for Black Friday Deals  CNET

US retailers demand action on rising credit card fees – Retail Insight Network

US retailers demand action on rising credit card fees  Retail Insight Network

Correcting and Replacing: Cake digital bank launches its fully cloud-based card management system using Visa solutions, the first of such deployment in Vietnam – The Manila Times

Correcting and Replacing: Cake digital bank launches its fully cloud-based card management system using Visa solutions, the first of such deployment in Vietnam  The Manila Times

Correcting and Replacing: Cake digital bank launches its fully cloud-based card management system using Visa solutions, the first of such deployment in Vietnam – The Manila Times

Correcting and Replacing: Cake digital bank launches its fully cloud-based card management system using Visa solutions, the first of such deployment in Vietnam  The Manila Times
