最終更新時刻:2019年8月8日(木) 22時40分

クレジットカード & 電子マネー NEWSからのお知らせ

ゼンショーグループ各店舗で非接触決済が利用可能に!キャッシュレスの選択が広がり、お買い物がますます便利で快適に – 時事通信

ゼンショーグループ各店舗で非接触決済が利用可能に!キャッシュレスの選択が広がり、お買い物がますます便利で快適に  時事通信

[JCB] 株式会社ゼンショーホールディングス(本社:東京都港区、代表取締役会長兼社長:小川 賢太郎)は、三井住友カード株式会社(本社:東京都港区、代表取締役社長: …


Nintendo Brings Big Changes To Japan’s eShop – Gameranx

Nintendo Brings Big Changes To Japan’s eShop  Gameranx

Nintendo Japanese eShop Will No Longer Accept Payments With Overseas Credit Cards, PayPal To Prevent "Fraudulent Use" – GINX Esports TV

Nintendo Japanese eShop Will No Longer Accept Payments With Overseas Credit Cards, PayPal To Prevent "Fraudulent Use"  GINX Esports TV

Nintendo Japan Eshop Will Stop Accepting Foreign Credit Cards In March 2025 – NintendoSoup

Nintendo Japan Eshop Will Stop Accepting Foreign Credit Cards In March 2025  NintendoSoup

Switch’s Japan eShop will no longer accept foreign cards or PayPal to ‘prevent fraudulent use’ – Video Games Chronicle

Switch’s Japan eShop will no longer accept foreign cards or PayPal to ‘prevent fraudulent use’  Video Games Chronicle

Award-winning Japanese adult game developer directly hit by credit card restrictions as VISA payment gets suspended on their web store – AUTOMATON WEST

Award-winning Japanese adult game developer directly hit by credit card restrictions as VISA payment gets suspended on their web store  AUTOMATON WEST
