最終更新時刻:2019年7月22日(月) 0時42分

クレジットカード & 電子マネー NEWSからのお知らせ

首相、改憲になお望み 成否未知数 野党・抱き込み警戒 3分の2割れ – 毎日新聞 – 毎日新聞

首相、改憲になお望み 成否未知数 野党・抱き込み警戒 3分の2割れ – 毎日新聞  毎日新聞

参院選で、自民、公明両党と日本維新の会などの「改憲勢力」は憲法改正の発議に必要な3分の2の議席にわずかに届かなかった。ただ、安倍晋三首相(自民党総裁)は …



Donald Trump’s ‘Gold Card’ Visa Program Already Has 250,000 Applicants – Newsweek

Donald Trump's 'Gold Card' Visa Program Already Has 250,000 Applicants  Newsweek

Trump’s ‘Gold Card’ Plan Has Echoes of Europe’s ‘Golden Visas’ – The New York Times

Trump’s ‘Gold Card’ Plan Has Echoes of Europe’s ‘Golden Visas’  The New York Times

Trump proposes offering $5 million "gold card" to wealthy immigrants. Here’s how it would work. – CBS News

Trump proposes offering $5 million "gold card" to wealthy immigrants. Here's how it would work.  CBS News

Can a ‘gold card’ program visa spur investment in the U.S. economy? – ABC News

Can a 'gold card' program visa spur investment in the U.S. economy?  ABC News

Can a ‘gold card’ program visa spur investment in the U.S. economy? – ABC News

Can a 'gold card' program visa spur investment in the U.S. economy?  ABC News
